Thursday, April 30, 2015

Have you felt the longing? (Sutras on Longing vol 1)

Have you felt the longing?

Some days it feels like there’s a hole in your heart.
Others, just a nagging, as if something remains undone.

Many jump to find the next job.
Some think a new sexual position will do the trick.

Some of us try to fill that hole with a child
Others with an upgrade to our car.

One day the longing tells you that a deeper love is possible - you have not even tasted a fraction of the potential for love

And so you leave your mate in search of the depth you know is out there

Another day the nagging tells you you are not doing what you were made for, something about this home, this job, this life isn’t…quite….right….

And you apply for a Master’s degree.

But it never fills the void.

This void, this longing cannot be filled by a child, or a Master’s degree, not by iPhone version 2453, nor by any sexual position ever known.

There’s a reason that you are still not fulfilled.  A reason that no matter how long you’ve looked for your purpose, or your soul mate, or the life of your dreams, something’s still missing.

A deeper love IS possible.  It is YOUR love.  You are not looking for something that you get, but for something that you give.

It’s like the old adage says - “the thing you are searching for is the one who’s doing the searching!”  It’s not that you need to try to look backward in your own head to see your own seeing or something.  It’s not that you are supposed to be celibate because your true mate is within you.  It is just that when you give from the heart, the void is already filled.
You do have a destiny, and maybe you aren’t doing what you are made for.  Because you were made for love.  You were made to love beyond all limits of what you think is possible.  And you were made to revel in this and rejoice with all your heart.

Only then will you finally release longing.  Only then will you truly know you are living a life with nothing left undone.

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