Tuesday, May 5, 2015

They can never steal your destiny (Sutras on Longing vol 3)

They can never steal your destiny

The good news is that in all the universe, there is no power that can steal your destiny.

The greatest good in any person’s life is a sense of meaning.  The felt knowing that you are part of something greater than yourself.

The Warrior of Love strives to make that which they are a part of ever greater.  They don’t settle for being part of some little tribe or country - to the exclusion of others.  They find where the boundaries are, and lovingly transgress them.  An ever widening circle of inclusion.

To a hero of this sort, the only destiny is care, and ever deeper care.  This means that it can never be taken or obstructed.  
If your destiny was to have a child, many forces could keep you from actualizing meaning in your life.
If your destiny was to sail a ship, there are countless ways that this life’s essence could be missed.
If you thought some specific person was your destined mate, there’s no telling how that might turn out.

Even “spiritual” callings, like teaching, healing, becoming a clergy member, and the like are all subject to the whims of the world.
Sometimes even the weather can smash your supposed life’s-purpose to bits.

But if you find your purpose in Love, your purpose can never be conquered.  For love is like water flowing downhill.  If it hits an obstacle it just flows around.  That obstacle becomes part of the path that love takes.

When you base your sense of purpose on some exterior attainment, you must forever live in fear.  You have no agency at all.  “What if I cannot find a partner to have my child with?”  “What if I never afford a sailing ship?”  “What if no one likes me as a spiritual practitioner?”

If these and other attainments are the basis of meaning in your life, then you are continually being dangled over a pit of annihilation.  You are one accident away from a meaningless universe.  And thus, the dark longing grows and abides, just below our everyday consciousness.

If you make it your destiny to love, and love ever more deeply, the power of meaning is completely within your own hands.  Nothing can conquer you, because even if you fail, if you did your very best, if you gave your all, you have been a hero of love.  Every circumstance then becomes a teacher, like a guru guiding you toward a greater heart.
You cannot find a mate to have a child with, and the heart softens through sorrow, your capacity to care becomes wider.  Your sailing boat sinks and you learn that you can survive without it, because something deeper lives in you.  Your spiritual calling flounders, and you find a spirituality that does not depend upon acclaim, and accoutrements.  

Happiness also holds no power over you, because you are alive as a source of joy deeper than ordinary happiness.  When good things come, you accept them, with the understanding that they will pass.  But just because they will pass, you do not disregard them.  They are each one a tiny thread in the fabric of your life’s meaning.  Because your life’s meaning is an ever increasing force, there is infinite room to welcome every experience.

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